Dimic Law: Expertise in Calgary Corporate Law

calgary corporate lawyers

There are many Corporate Lawyer Calgary but only at Dimic Law, you will find expertise together with affordability to support your business. Corporate law can be difficult to navigate, especially when trying to make your business thrive. But how can we at Dimic Law help you better understand corporate law and its nuances?

Firstly, let us look briefly at the areas you might need support with.

Incorporation Services

There are multiple fields and areas where you can open up a business. You did your market analysis and with your set of skills and knowledge, your business has started to give fruits with your services being more requested. What now?

Most lawyers in Calgary would recommend that you consider incorporating your business. Incorporation is when by incorporating your business you create a new legal entity called a corporation or company. Companies have the same legal rights as a person, and this process has its benefits. From limited liability and better access to grants that will help your company grow to lower tax rates which will save you money.

Small Business Advice

Starting a small business is a lot of work and can be quite difficult, especially in our post-pandemic economy which is just now starting to pick up again.

At Dimic Law, we can support you with temporary measures like subsidy protections, as well as legal advice to see your business grow.

Intellectual Property Law

Intellectual property, or just IP, can be a difficult topic to navigate, but an important one nonetheless. When you create a brand for your business, you are putting effort into creating an image that relates to your practice and that shows possible clients that you are a serious business and a good one at that.

If you do not register your brand, there is nothing stopping someone else from stealing all the effort you put into it and registering it themselves. At Dimic Law, we can help you register your brand, bringing you peace of mind knowing that it is your intellectual property and that you can use it and benefit from the rights associated with it.

Acquisitions And Mergers

Your business may have grown a good amount and it caught the attention of a bigger company which wants to acquire it – sometimes the offer is really good and you want to accept it. We are here to support you through this process to ensure your best interests are kept in mind.

Similarly, you might want to acquire another business instead of starting from square one. We can also support you in these situations to ensure you are not acquiring a headache.

Business Agreements

Business agreements involve lots of documents and contracts being signed with clients and suppliers depending on the nature of your work.

It is important that your company is protected and good corporate lawyers can review those documents to ensure your rights are protected and your company is not getting into a tight legal spot.

Commercial Leases

You will, most likely, need an office to navigate the day-to-day operations of your company. In those situations, despite the market availability, you will want to negotiate the best possible deal for a lease, regardless if it is for the short or long term.

Of course, owning a space would be ideal, but rarely it works like that even for big companies.


One thing makes all companies regardless of their size equal – the need for money. Capital is the asset that makes all companies run properly, and sometimes those companies need more money in order to see a project through or start one.

It is not uncommon for many businesses to apply for grants or other sources of funding, but you need to make sure that you understand all the guidelines and requisites of those funding options.

At Dimic Law, we value your rights. We want to make sure your business is thriving and you are able to support yourself while generating employment for others.

Hiring a corporate lawyer in Calgary for your small business may sound like an overkill, but most of the time it can save you money, time, and stress down the road, as well as support the growth of your company.

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